Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 27

From Bryant, age 13

Today we spent the whole day in groups trying to create our exhibit. The first thing we did was decide if we wanted to blow up any of our other photos from our site visits on Day 4. Then once we had all of our blown-up photos we decided our top 10 photos. Then we lined them up across the floor for our group members to decide which 5 photos they liked and thought were the best for the exhibit of the top 10. Once everyone voted we placed the photos across the floor and pulled out or brainstorming sheet of all the ideas we wanted to display with the photos. For every idea we wanted one or two photos that would explain it in the exhibit. After we picked out the best photos that would represent an idea we came back upstairs from the Great Hall to have lunch.

After lunch, our team separated into groups to come up with ideas for: 1) which interviews we were going to use, what interactives, 2)what interactives we wanted the visitors to participate in, and 3) what kind of designs and layous we wanted to use for our wall. Finally, after we finished with our groups we shared our ideas with the team

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