Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Clock is Ticking...

...and there is not much time left. Even under the time contraints, I was very impressed with all of the ideas and work done today. In the Petworth group we were able to: make a final decision on our theme/title, decide on a final photo layout, make plans to incorporate a map of Petworth on the exhibit wall (and floor!), as well as begin work on our interactive piece. A great deal of work got accomplished, but that does not mean that there is any slowing down for the group. As we move forward, there will be more work done on writing captions/titles for each of the photos and determining their sizes, finishing up on the interactive work, and doing a writing piece for each team member for one of their photos in the show.

Next week will be the installation of all our hard work and preparation! I hope that everyone in Petworth is ready to have a hands-on experience with installing an exhibition. In my mind, it is aguably the most fun aspect of the process. There is nothing more amazing than seeing one of your concepts be put into form and made visible for others to see. Countdown til the 30th....(!)

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