Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Community Identity Lesson

During the 2nd week of IWWL Breck and I led our community identity lesson we collaboratively planned. We got the ball rolling by a group discussion by asking the students what community means to them. Through a word map I asked them to identity different elements that make up a community. We discussed how each of the elements work together and also the affects of internal and external factors.The students had strong perspectives about the importance of community and the relationship between the various parts. I was pleasantly surprised at how vocal the students were during the lesson. We have a lot of really bright kids.

The highlight of the lesson was the neighborhood specific activity, the "tourist attraction poster". Each neighborhood designed and created a poster with a slogan that best characterizes the essence of their neighborhood. The activity was aimed to get the participants thinking about their neighborhood identity and interpretation. The poster was also an introduction to visual communication and design processes that will later be used in the exhibition design portion of the program. The groups had an opportunity to walk around, observe, and discuss each others poster in a mini critique fashion. I was very impressed with the turnout of the posters, collaborative efforts, and the creativity our students have.

After the success from the poster activity, I am even more excited to see what our students have in store as we start the 3rd week/exhibit design portion of IWWL.

Group Posters


Southwest Waterfront


  1. This was a super fun lesson (and effective!). All of the posters look fantastic. Good work IWWL team!

  2. Oh, and whichever adult leader supported the slogan on that last one must have a terrible sense of humor.... ;)
